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Rowena Prescot
Apr 5, 2022
Sick people don't get sick!
This may seem like a ridiculous statement, but bear with me for a minute!! In homeopathy, we talk of the vital force. The way I describe...

Rowena Prescot
Mar 9, 2022
3 reasons to use homeopathy
There are so many reasons to use homeopathy, but to write them all I'd have to write an essay! So let's talk about these 3: EVERYBODY...

Rowena Prescot
May 17, 2020
My top 3 homeopathic remedies and essential oils for hayfever
It's that time of year again when the sun comes out and so does the pollen! Whilst the world's focus and news is worrying about the C...
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Rowena Prescot
Nov 26, 2019
5 Homeopathic remedies to get you through Christmas
It’s that time of year when we all relax, enjoy the company of loved ones, drink, eat and be merry! However sometimes this comes with ...
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